About the Clinic
The clinic was opened in 1961. In 2009 we added a MRI machine.  We are committed to find diseases in the early stages. This clinic wants the very best care for the patients. We provide preventative measures for the well being of all.
Any emergency patients are given diagnostic  and  emergency treatment immediately.


AIRISVento: Made by Hitachi
Given at  birth to 100+ years old

Endoscopy:    Oral Fiberscope

Test to look inside the stomach, duodenum, and esophagus

Colonoscopy:  Rectal Fiberscope

Test to look inside the sigmoid colon, the  transverse colon , the  ascending/descending colon  and the small intestine.

Ultra Sound:

Given to the following areas of the body: abdominal region, thyroid , stomach, heart , and/or breast

CT Scan : (Helical CT:  Computed Tomography)

Entire body or specific parts:  head, chest ,stomach,  abdominal region  ( gallbladder, liver, lungs, kidneys, and/or bladder)    External/Internal  injuries on all organs may be scanned. Specific brain/head  injuries/diseases, cerebral hemorrhage,  or cerebral infraction

Chiropractor:    (Physiotherapy):

Treats body pain/ aches and /or arthritis: improves posture:  neck/back/lumbar  pain body manipulation and balance :
treats sports injuries,
adjusts autonomic nervous system:  treats circulation of the lymph system: treats all body systems to be fully functioning. Arthralgia